Find out how a nightguard could protect your teeth while you sleep.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a serious issue that many people deal with but don’t even know it. After all, teeth grinding commonly occurs nightguard ladywhile we are asleep. Over time, this can lead to excessive wear and tear and teeth that are prone to cracking or breaking. To prevent these problems from happening our Chicago dentist Dr. Hartej Sood may recommend a nightguard.


How do I know that I grind my teeth?

Unfortunately, you may not even know that you do it. Those who grind their teeth at night may wake up with sore, achy jaws or frequent headaches. This is why it’s important to visit your general dentist in Chicago every six months for checkups. It’s often during these checkups that we can pinpoint early signs of teeth grinding and stop it before it becomes a problem.


What are the benefits of wearing a nightguard regularly?

As you might imagine there are several advantages that you could enjoy if you decide to get a nightguard from our Chicago family dentist. Some of these benefits include,

  • A reduction in tension and pain in the face and jaw area
  • Preventing and reducing headaches
  • Preventing dental damage
  • Improve sleep


Can I just get an over-the-counter nightguard?

While some people may find relief in the short-term with an over-the-counter nightguard it’s important to understand that these products are not custom fitted to your teeth. This means that this one-size-fits-all product may not actually provide you with the best protection and may even make some problems worse.

Furthermore, they often aren’t made with the highest quality material, which means that it’s easier to wear away the nightguard. Custom nightguards are the best way to ensure that your teeth are fully protected from teeth grinding and clenching.


Are there other ways to treat bruxism?

The most effective treatment option will depend on the cause of your teeth grinding. For example, if your bruxism is due to a misaligned smile then you could benefit from straightening your teeth with braces or Invisalign treatment. If your bruxism is brought on by stress, you may consider stress management strategies such as meditation or yoga that could help reduce your symptoms.

If you are dealing with jaw pain, clicking or achiness then you could be clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth at night. It’s important that you take the appropriate precautions to protect your teeth and jaws. Talk to our Chicagoland general dentist Dr. Sood today to find out whether a nightguard is right for you.